Thursday, March 15, 2012

Roasted Baby Potatoes wrapped in a Bacon blanket

Today as I was staring at the contents of our fridge, I suddenly saw the baby potatoes I bought. I've been making baked potatoes with bacon bits for awhile so I thought "why not just wrap them with bacon?".  It isn't a new thing, actually, I've heard of people wrapping bacon with a variety of things from hotdog and spam to fruits and veggies. Bacon wrapped in anything seems to always work. 

It's very easy to make. Anyone with an oven can definitely pull it off.
Here's my recipe:
  • Baby potatoes, washed and patted dry
  • Oil, enough to coat the potatoes
  • Rosemary leaves
  • Thyme
  • Salt and pepper
  • Bacon
 1. Preheat the oven to 160 deg C. 
 2. Coat potatoes with oil and season with rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper.
3. Cut and wrap the bacon around the potatoes and place them on a greased baking pan with the bacon ends facing down. You can also use a toothpick (soaked in water to prevent burning) to keep the bacon in place.
4. Bake in the oven for around 30-40 minutes, or until the bacon is cooked to your liking.
5. Drain on paper towels and serve hot.
Addt'l: You can also serve them with a cheese dip: Mix cheez wiz with a cream cheese dip/ sour cream; OR add grated cheese while they're hot.
A great addition to any meal. NOMNOMZ!

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